<p>Freelancing is a special world where funny situations and absurd incidents happen every day. Jokes about freelancing and freelancers can lift the spirits and show that life in this sphere is not only interesting, but also fun.<p>Let's start with a classic joke: What is the most popular joke among freelancers? - "I'll start working tomorrow!" Yes, sometimes flexible time management can be a reason for postponing tasks, but freelancers have their own special approach to deadlines.</p><p>Another joke: How do freelancers spend their weekends? - Working in pajamas! Yes, one of the advantages of working from home is the ability to work comfortably and cozily without leaving the house.</p><p>And of course, we couldn't avoid a joke about clients: What is the most common request from clients? - "Do it quickly, but with high quality and cheap". Every freelancer has faced such demands, and it always brings a smile to the face.</p><p>Another joke: How do freelancers negotiate in chat? - "What is your deadline?" - "Yesterday". Humor and self-irony help freelancers deal with stress and deadline pressure.</p><p>And we cannot forget the joke about the standard response of freelancers to questions: - "Can you do this?" - "Of course, everything is possible, but what is your budget for this task?" Freelancers understand the value of their work and try to build mutually beneficial relationships with clients.</p><p>In the end, freelancing is not only serious work, but also a source of humor and jokes. Freelancers actively share funny stories from their lives, which unites them in this special community.</p></p>