<p>The work of a freelancer with the status of an individual entrepreneur (IE) with individuals without using a cash register is a question that interests many entrepreneurs who are just starting their work. In light of new legislative changes and the trend toward digitalization, freelancers have to seek solutions that allow them to conduct their activities effectively and legally. Let's understand how this is possible and what ways exist to optimize work processes for a freelancer-IE.<p><strong>What does the legislation say?</strong></p><p>As of the summer of 2021, the law requires all individual entrepreneurs working with individuals to use cash registers for transactions. However, there are exceptions that allow some categories of IEs not to use cash registers. For example, if activities are conducted exclusively through non-cash transactions or fall under the list of so-called "patent" or "tax holidays." But for most freelancers, especially in large cities, a cash register is mandatory today. However, there are alternatives that can help avoid spending on expensive equipment.</p><p><strong>When is it not necessary to use a cash register?</strong></p><p>Based on the peculiarities of the legislation, let's consider cases when a cash register can be avoided:</p><ul><li><em>Non-cash payments through a bank.</em> If an individual pays for the freelancer-IE's services through a bank, by direct transfer to the IE's account, no cash register is required.</li><li><em>Work by advance payment.</em> In case services are rendered after an advance payment through the bank, and the amount does not exceed 100,000 rubles, a cash register is also not required.</li></ul><p><strong>Using online cash registers</strong></p><p>For those who still want to work with a cash register, online cash registers are a good solution. These devices allow you to work with transactions easily and conveniently, sending digital receipts to clients. They are functional and do not require high maintenance costs.</p><p>By using cloud-based cash register services such as "Evotor" and "My Sklad," you can do without a physical device. It's enough to have internet access to use such services. They provide a convenient interface and allow sending receipts to clients directly to their email or messengers.</p><p><strong>Online services for contract conclusion</strong></p><p>In addition, there are platforms that can help automate the process of concluding contracts and invoicing, which will simplify the life of any freelancer. Services like "Contract Constructor" and "Online Legal Center" are particularly popular, allowing you to create documents without a lawyer's involvement while complying with all legal norms.</p><p><strong>Main recommendations</strong></p><p>For successful work without a cash register, it is important to:</p><ul><li><em>Comply with all legal norms.</em> Consult lawyers on issues related to changing tax legislation.</li><li><em>Monitor legislative changes.</em> Changes occur frequently, and knowing the current information will help avoid misunderstandings with tax authorities.</li><li><em>Use modern technologies.</em> They not only help avoid buying expensive cash equipment but also simplify communication with clients and document handling.</li></ul><p>As a result, it can be concluded that it is quite possible for a freelancer-IE to work with individuals without a cash register, but it requires careful attention and adherence to legal requirements. The use of modern technologies and services can significantly ease this process and ensure the successful running of a business without unnecessary costs and problems.</p></p>