<p>Freelancing offers great opportunities for professional growth and work flexibility. However, it also opens doors to a variety of scammers who try to take advantage of honest workers. Below we will discuss <span>12 scam schemes</span> that freelancers need to be aware of and avoid.<h2>1. Incomplete or false prepayment</h2><p>Scammers offer upfront payment but either transfer less than promised or do not transfer anything at all. Always verify payment before starting work.</p><h2>2. Contract terms modification</h2><p>The client makes significant changes to the project after agreement on terms, demanding additional work without additional payment. Document all terms in writing and in the contract.</p><h2>3. Refusal to pay for completed work</h2><p>After completing the task, the client disappears or refuses to pay, citing unsatisfactory quality. Use platforms with escrow systems to protect your interests.</p><h2>4. Fraud with personal information</h2><p>Scammers request your personal data under the guise of contract processing and then use it for fraudulent purposes. Provide the minimum necessary information.</p><h2>5. Fake projects and vacancies</h2><p>Fake job postings and projects are posted to gather freelancers' resumes and portfolios for their own use. Check the reputation of clients and companies.</p><h2>6. Phishing and malicious links</h2><p>Clients send links to documents or tasks containing malware. Do not open suspicious links and use antivirus programs.</p><h2>7. Banking data scams</h2><p>Scammers ask for bank card or account information for payment, but then use it to steal money. Always use secure payment methods.</p><h2>8. Paid test tasks</h2><p>They require completion of a test task for payment, after which they disappear with the work results. Only agree to short and unpaid tests.</p><h2>9. Unjustifiably low rates</h2><p>They offer work for very low pay, promising future large projects. Value your work and do not agree to clearly undervalued rates.</p><h2>10. Direct payments without intermediaries</h2><p>The client insists on direct payments, bypassing freelance platforms. This deprives you of the protection provided by these platforms. Use trusted systems for transactions.</p><h2>11. Unrealistic deadlines</h2><p>The client demands a huge amount of work in unrealistic deadlines, and then refuses to pay for poor quality. Realistically assess your abilities and do not take on knowingly unattainable projects.</p><h2>12. Pyramids and multilevel marketing</h2><p>They offer work that is actually part of a pyramid scheme or multilevel marketing scheme. Avoid such offers and check the company's reputation.</p><p>Being a freelancer is not just about freedom and self-realization, but also about responsibility for your own safety. <b>Be vigilant</b> and cautious, and then scammers won't be able to take advantage of you.</p></p>