<p>Freelancers are specialists who work remotely and often are experienced professionals in their field. However, there are several manipulations that employers can use to deceive experienced freelancers and gain more benefit. Below are 13 such methods:<ol><li>Low prices. Often, employers can offer freelancers too low prices for their services, while promising long-term cooperation.</li><li>Uncertain project conditions. Employers can offer uncertain project conditions, allowing them to change requirements and workload at their discretion.</li><li>Unjustified attempts to lower the price. Employers may try to convince a freelancer to lower the price, even if it has already been agreed upon.</li><li>Delaying payment. Some employers may delay payment for work or even refuse to pay altogether.</li><li>Advance payment. Employers may offer an advance payment for work, only to later abandon the project and not return the money.</li><li>Changing requirements. Employers may suddenly change project requirements, which may result in additional time and resource costs for the freelancer.</li><li>Threats and blackmail. Some employers may use threats and blackmail to force freelancers to do additional work or change contract terms.</li><li>Unreasonable claims. Employers may make unjustified claims about completed work in order to lower payment or refuse payment altogether.</li><li>False promises. Some employers may make false promises about future orders or price increases for services in order to keep freelancers in the project.</li><li>Opaque conditions. Employers may conceal information about the client or the real project conditions in order to deceive freelancers.</li><li>Psychological pressure. Some employers may use psychological pressure on freelancers to make them agree to unfavorable conditions.</li><li>Lack of feedback. Employers may not provide feedback on the completed work, making it impossible to improve the quality of service and increase the freelancer's professional level.</li><li>Constant control and intrusiveness. Some employers may constantly monitor every step of the freelancer and be intrusive in their demands, which can negatively affect the work and motivation of the performer.</li></ol><p>In conclusion, it is important to be attentive and cautious when working with clients to avoid negative experiences and deception by employers. It is important to establish clear and understandable contract terms, not agree to unfavorable conditions, and always defend your rights and interests as a professional.</p></p>