<p>Freelancers are specialists who work independently from an office, fulfilling remote orders. They can perform various types of work - from design to programming, from copywriting to marketing. It is very important for freelancers to have a community where they can communicate, share experiences, and receive support. Social networks have become an excellent place for forming communities of freelancers.<p>One of the popular social networks among freelancers is LinkedIn. Here you can find professional communities where issues related to job search, skills enhancement, and other topics important for freelancers are discussed. LinkedIn also helps expand networking and find new clients.</p><p>Another popular platform for freelancers is Facebook. There are groups and communities dedicated to various topics: design, programming, marketing, etc. In such communities, freelancers can ask questions, share experiences, and find inspiration.</p><p>One of the advantages of freelancer communities in social networks is the ability to quickly get an answer to your question. Thanks to the activity of participants and the possibility of real-time communication, freelancers can quickly solve problems or get advice from experienced colleagues.</p><p>Also, online events are often held in freelancer communities: webinars, master classes, conferences. This helps freelancers not only to learn something new, but also to find new clients and partners.</p></p>